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Joker is here

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Joker is here Empty Joker is here

Post  Temperedjoker Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:22 pm

Here to Stay by Korn comes banging out of the arena speakers as pyros go off from all corners of the entrance ramp. The fans come to life as their champ comes out to speak about his match. Through the smoke they see his figure come running out onto the stage. The fans erupt with cheers as he goes from one side to the other pumping up the crowd. He starts making his way to the ring already holding a mic. He rolls into the ring and goes from one side to the other raising his arms in the air as the fans cheer him on. The crowd quiets down as he begins to speak.

Two weeks. Only two weeks before I take back what is rightfully mine.

Fans begin cheering again and chanting a mix between, "JOKER!!!!! and XXTREME CHAMP!!!!!"

These past few weeks have been hell for you all I know. Because it has been hard seeing me without what is rightfully mine. I've done everything the damn boss has said to do. And now finally in two weeks it will be me and Khaoz for the XXXtreme Championship.

The fans jump too their feet cheering for Joker as he stares around the ring. He begins to speak again.

Now I don't know who the hell was in this ring today but to whoever it was.......Stay the hell out of my matches. I don't know who you think you are but I don't need your help. It's my match and my victory. To whoever you are, pray to whatever god you choose that I don't find out and come after you once the Empire is done.

The fans begin cheering again.

Now to what I'm really here for. KHAOZ!!!!!!!!!!!! It's almost time for round 2. We both know blood is going to be shed, but this time your little lackeys won't be here to save you. This time vengence will be mine. Your blood will flow and my title will be mine again. I promise you that much. You have proved nothing to anyone except that you can duck out from a real challenge. Well there is no running now. Every obstacle you and your master has tried to throw in my way is done with. Two weeks Khaoz and then you have no where to run, no where to hide. Yoou will taste your own blood pouring from your head. The demented circus is rolling into town, and if you think I made your life hell before..... You ain't seen nothing yet boy.

Joker tosses the mic into the air and rips his shirt off and goes back to each ringpost standing on them and raising his arms in the air looking more demented and focused than ever. He rolls out of the ring and makes his way back into the top of the entrance ramp. He stops and raises his arms into the air again as pyros begin shooting off all around him. The fans are going crazy cheering and clapping for Joker. As the smoke begins to clear he is gone.
XXXtreme Champion
XXXtreme Champion

Posts : 903
Join date : 2007-12-24
Age : 44
Location : US, Georgia

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